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Beyond Bass Camp

Digging Deeper Inside the Bass, with Steve Lawson.


We’re just a few days off the 2nd in this series of Beyond Bass Camp classes. The first one went really (will post some attendee feedback ASAP) and I’m really looking forward to class no. 2 on the 9th.

For July, there are TWO classes – a bass class and a new one day looping masterclass for any instrument or voice.

The Bass class will be on Saturday July 14th (the 2nd Saturday in the month, as usual).

The Looping class will be on Saturday July 28th.

The price for each of them will be £75, and the classes will run from 10am til 6pm, lunch included. Each class is limited to 5 participants, to maximise the learning potential.

I’ll write more in the next day or so about the outline for the looping class, but if you want to come, it’s worth getting in quick, as I suspect it will fill up fast.

comment here, or message me via this site, Facebook or Twitter to confirm – payment is by Paypal or Bank Transfer.

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